How to effectively look for a job in IT while studying?

Are you interested in working in the IT industry, and programming is the field you want to deal with? Fortunately, this market is very absorbent and even people without experience can find a satisfying job. But how do you get on with it and create the first application for the selected position? Presenting your skills and qualifications is very important. You must also make the right impression during the interview. Check how to prepare for taking up your first job in IT. Even if you don’t have much experience or what’s more, you are still in college and want to start your professional career.
Define your needs and what you want to do
The first step you should take is to define what you want to do and what industry to work in. So it’s good to choose the right company that is interesting to you. Is it going to be a large corporation, or do you prefer a small business or sturtup? This is a question you must answer.
Then determine what you expect from the new position. Sort your priorities – is the atmosphere at work more important for you or your salary? Here are some aspects you should consider before accepting a job.
The atmosphere in the workplace has already been mentioned – for some it is a key motivator, for others it does not matter much. Consider whether you care about loose relations with the boss and employees, or do you prefer more formal relations. Do you like working alone or in a group? You want to express your individuality and not follow the imposed dressocde, do you want to dress in an elegant way, emphasizing the rank of your position?
The projects the company is working on are very important if you decide on a specific company. Check if you like its realizations, if you feel good in such activities and if you would like to contribute to the ongoing projects.
The way of working is important in the IT industry. Get acquainted with the methodology of a given company. Decide whether you like the projects or do you prefer to work in a different way. It is very important to find yourself in a given environment every day.
Check the tools and technologies used by the company. See if they are outdated and will suit you. Get to know the office where you have to work and think about whether you see a place in it for yourself.
Think about whether you identify with the company’s values. If you don’t like its philosophy, you may not feel “at home” there.
Analyze the employment conditions offered. Will it be an employment contract or other type of contract? This is important, especially if you plan to stay longer at work. Also pay attention to the development perspective, is it possible to be promoted and participate in co-financed trainings?
Although this does not always seem important, it is worth considering the aspect of the company’s location. After all, daily commutes can demotivate the most engaged employees. So choose an office location that will not reduce your pleasure you receive from working.
Look for relevant information about the selected company
Do you want to know the details of the work, how does it really look like? Unfortunately, not all the news about the selected company you will learn from a job offer or interview. Remember, however, that you have access to them thanks to other options.
Take advantage of job fairs, where company representatives eagerly talk about what work in their office looks like. At organized events, you will find out what people are looking for, what a typical work day looks like in a given company, and other necessary information that will help you make decisions.
Take advantage of industry meetings, which are very popular especially in the IT industry. You can go to interesting conferences, where in addition to obtaining information, you will expand your knowledge and reach industry reviews of companies. What’s more, thanks to networking meetings, which usually take place on the occasion of this type of events, you will meet people from the industry and establish business relationships. This will help you learn the language and learn many interesting things about selected companies.
Look for reviews on the internet about your employer and the company itself. Join relevant groups on social media, check forum conversations and comments on websites dedicated to specific job locations. You can also get advice from older students or other friends who already have experience in looking for a job in IT. They may be able to recommend you to their employer.
Look for work in different ways
Remember not to limit yourself to websites offering specific offers when looking for a job. These types of websites have a lot of recipients. Your application may be missing from other CVs, especially among people with more experience than you.
So try to stand out in the crowd and thanks to this memorable answer for recruitment. For example, you can write to the HR department of the selected company. Submit your application and ask if they are not looking for an employee. It may turn out that you’ve come to the right moment and will invite you for an interview.
Going to a job fair is also a good way. Thanks to this, you will have an excellent opportunity to talk to the recruiter directly. Even if it turns out that you do not meet the job requirements, you will find out what you lack and what knowledge or qualifications you need to acquire in order to be able to work in the selected company.
Be open to new challenges and development
Are you 100% convinced that you want to be a programmer? If so, look for a company where you can climb the career ladder. Junior specialist up to the expert – these are important steps to achieve full professional satisfaction.
However, remember that development does not have to mean only a promotion up. While working, you may find that you enjoy other responsibilities than just those related to the position in which you started work. So pay attention to whether the company where you want to work allows flexible development also between different positions – the so-called horizontal development. For example, you’ll start working as a front-end developer, but in time you will find that you feel more like an analyst or systems architect. Or maybe you even start to prefer working with a client or in a more business area? So it’s important that you can adapt the position to your requirements and aspirations. And also to find a boss who will see your potential and understand that you can perform various duties.
Create the right CV
When you analyze and think about all aspects related to work, get ready to prepare your application. Remember that depending on the company and the position you apply for, you should prepare an appropriate CV. They may differ in presented skills, because it is known that you can not name them all. It is worth paying attention to those that are most important in a given position.
When constructing your biography, remember about the right chronology. Do not start with the primary school you graduated from, because it is not important for your employer (everyone has graduated from it). Put education information in second place, and leave the first to your work experience.
If you haven’t done any work before, it’s okay. Maybe you have experience in implementing projects from a similar industry? Did you participate in student conferences as a speaker, did you do internships or apprenticeships? You should put all this in your CV. Remember, however, that all information provided should indicate your competence. For example, if your project was of poor quality, don’t be proud of it. This may rather be your disadvantage.
Remember also about the technical side of your CV. It should be clear and legible, and above all have no spelling mistakes and typos. It is very important not to make a negative impression. Photography is also important. It should be of high quality and show your professional face. Remember that in the application for work you can not afford a vacation photo or a selfie taken in the bathroom.
Get ready for the interview
First of all, remember that a job interview is not just an interview conducted by your employer. You must, of course, prepare for issues related to the company. You should know the answers to the questions “why do you want to work with us?”. And also be able to present your competences and know the positions in your CV well. However, it is also worth knowing what you want to learn from your employer. Think about which issues related to work in the selected company are the most important for you and do not be afraid to ask questions. It is also worth discussing the topic of remuneration. It’s no secret because you pay for every job. Money ranges are often given in the announcement. However, if this was not mentioned in your case, go ahead and ask for possible ranges.
During the conversation, also pay attention to how you feel in a given place. Do you have a good conversation with your supervisor, does he inspire your trust, do you like the way the company works, and do you fancy going back to it? This is very important, because often at the first contact and after the first visit, we realize if this is the place for us.
The first job is very important because it determines the later approach to the profession. If you prepare well for it before you take it, you will increase the chances that you will be satisfied from the beginning of your career and will be happy to fulfill your new responsibilities. What’s more, if you enjoy work, you will treat it as a place of development, not an obligation that you have to fulfill every day.