Pimcore 6.7 – news and improvements

27.10.2020 Angelika Siczek
pimcore 6.7

The creators of the program had announced that thanks to the great cooperation of their partners, developers and the committed community, they have managed to release the new version of Pimcore 6.7. This means taking one of the largest open source data management and experience management platforms to an even higher level than before. See what this change means for you and what news and improvements it offers!


New Pimcore 6.7 features

Among the new functions, it is worth highlighting the most important ones, which is why we have prepared a list of them. Among them, you will find the six most important novelties.


1. Search for fields and objects

If your site has very complex layouts, it is often difficult to locate the specific field you are looking for. Thanks to the new solution – the field search function, you can quickly find attributes and their values ​​even in complex class definitions. This option is enabled by including it in the class definition.


2. Areablock, i.e. the possibility of limiting some elements – bricks

What exactly is Areablock? This is a content creation kit for documents offered by Pimcore. In its new version, you can set individual field use restrictions at the brick level. As a result, an element, e.g. a video, can be used twice within a block or the entire page.


3. Thumbnails, i.e. the possibility of creating a JPEG file with a transparent background

You can now use the embedded 8BIM clipping path for clipping thumbnails. This will give you a JPEG file with a transparent background. This is a very useful feature!


4. Ready-to-use support for phrase synonyms when searching for products under the E-commerce Framework

The new version of Pimcore now offers out-of-the-box synonym integration in product search. It does this by taking advantage of the Elasticsearch synonym feature – flexible search. Synonym sources can be simple files, Pimcore resources, Pimcore data objects, database tables and any other source. It’s the perfect solution for creators to modernize the digital commerce search experience.


5. “Alias” operator

The Alias ​​operator is a new grid configuration operator that allows you to rename columns to meet the naming conventions for exports without modifying any data models.


6. Implementation of a new payment provider – Hobex

Hobex is an Austrian provider of comprehensive services in the field of cashless payment systems and e-commerce solutions. Thanks to it, the use of the new tool is even easier than before.


Pimcore 6.7 feature improvements

In addition to completely new possibilities, the authors of the solution decided to work on the options already available in the tool. The result of their work is 8 improvements that we present below.


1. Flexible search (Elasticsearch)

The new Pimcore 6.7 optimizes the core capabilities of Elasticsearch, providing better performance than before. The changes mainly include:


  • Indexing process – it has been changed from scratch. Huge performance improvements have been archived, thus reducing database locks and applying parallelism. Such actions further streamline the flexible search process.
  • Removal of an additional layer of mockup cache for product lists. Thanks to this, 100% Elasticsearch can now be used. This dramatically increases performance, especially when the additional cache layer is not completely full. Moreover, this solution also simplifies the system architecture.
  • Elasticsearch mapping changes where indexes previously had to be re-indexed. Now, to do this, you can take advantage of the built-in Elasticsearch functionality and thus cut the time, from hours to minutes, of re-indexing large search indexes.
  • Out-of-the-box synonym support based on the Elasticsearch feature is another improvement available in Pimcore 6.7.
  • Increasing the flexibility of Elasticsearch Sort.


2. Full-text search for selected fields

Until now, in Pimcore versions it was possible to filter a selected field in the object editing panel only by prefix. For example – if in the Test and My Test options you entered text in the input field, you only received a Suggested Test, not My Test. After making changes, the search string for PR can be anywhere in the options to get the suggestion you want.


3. Improvements to PHP Data Object API

Optional PHP declarations on generated getters and setters (at the class definition level, PHP declarations can be activated for generated getters and setters).


Fixed saving unpublished settings in API with empty mandatory fields by displaying an exception.


4. Possibility to implement IsEqual for all data types

The makers of the new version of Pimcore 6.7 have added an additional EqualComparisonInterface interface to identify data types that correctly implement isEqual. The goal is for all data types to implement isEqual in the long run, and for all data types that do not implement isEqual to correctly generate a rollback warning.


5. Option to configure the caching of the rendered fragment

Regardless of whether you are using the full cache of the page or not using its full potential, in the new version it is worth enabling the cache if you want to scash a piece of code. You can also enable code snippet caching by configuring cache: true or enabling full page caching.


6. Events

If you want to modify the exported CSV or XSLx data, add the pimcore.dataobject.postCsvItemExport event.


You can add an event before, after adding, after updating, or after removing notifications.


In previous versions, the pimcore.system.cache.clear event was only dispatched if the cache was cleared by the GUI. In version 6.7, an event is also possible when the cache is cleared using the CLI pimcore: cache: clear command.


If you want to delete a page but the action fails, the DocumentEvents :: POST_DELETE_FAILURE event will be fired 3 times.


7. Parallel generation of thumbnails

This is an upgrade that significantly shortens the thumbnail generation process. So you can create them using the parallelism of the Webmozarts console.


8. Ability to separate the resource metadata editor tab from the actual implementation

This change in the project (refactoring) makes it easier to extend the asset metadata, e.g. with additional data types.



These are all the most important changes that were included in Pimcore 6.7. If you want to learn more about other options and improvements, you can find a lot of knowledge in the Pimcore Academy and in the list of all changes posted on GitHub.

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