Latest Magento 2.2 release includes innovative B2B solutions

23.08.2018 Angelika Siczek

One of the best e-commerce platforms – Magento decided to immensely enlarge its presence within B2B sales. Along with the new version 2.2 the platform is going to make the digital transition easier for producers and distributors, often covering complicated business rules and transactions and integrations with external ERP systems.


Magento 2.2 functions within B2B

1. Creation and management of accounts

a. The administrator can design roles and manage coworkers by assigning them to teams

b.The possibility of assigning many permissions to certain roles.


2. Account roles and permissions
a. Creating and assigning roles and permissions to client accounts
b. Defining which users and role levels can view or edit data (this can be done by both the seller and the client inside your own purchasing team)


3. Sales queries and query tracking
a. Customers can submit inquiries without having to place an order, which can then be handled by an authorized person
b. Buyers can track their queries in the summary view, including the history of queries and prepared templates


4. Negotiations and different prices
a. Sellers can create specific catalogs with specific prices for their clients – let’s repeat: this means a custom catalog for each customer with its price.
b. Sellers and buyers can calculate discounts using a special tool
c. The ability to negotiate both the price of the product and delivery
d. Quick closing of sales because of the possibility of setting the date of expiry of the inquiry


5. Quick ordering functionality using SKU
a. Customers can quickly add products to the shopping cart by entering the product SKU number or by uploading a CSV file containing products and quantities


6. Trade credit
a. Opportunity to offer a trade credit as a form of payment
b. The ability to manage the trade credit from the administrative panel level


7. Delivery functions
a. Automatic carrier selection
b. Packing and sending from any location
c. Application of rules for the allocation of orders by location
d. Built-in intelligent rules for accurate queries and grades
e. Newly integrated carriers without additional extensions


8. mproved integration with ERP systems
a. Magento 2.2 introduces changes to several API classes (API refers to defined methods of communication between various software components)
b. Flexible API Magento 2.2 integrates various ERP solutions. These changes are designed to extend the overall scope of the API and to help developers use new features.



The B2B market, twice as big as B2C, is expected to reach USD 6.7 trillion worldwide in 2020 and is constantly growing. The new Magento is intended primarily for distributors, wholesalers, manufacturers and B2B companies. The complexity of processes in B2B sales, such as different prices for different clients, the need for additional approval of orders or e-procurement, makes B2B stores require special solutions that the new Magento Commerce B2B version 2.2 is trying to meet. If you have not already taken the first steps towards digital commerce or are looking for an even better way to do business online, contact us to present the possibilities that Magento B2B can give your business.


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