Magento 1.7 – what’s new?

29.05.2013 Angelika Siczek

Below You can look into the list of the most significant features of the Magento system:


– Captcha – it’s Zend Captcha integrated in version of Magento on most customer related fomrs – register, login, forgot password, but what interesting it’s not included in contact form.


– New Iphone Theme – in new version of Magento e-commerce iPhone theme have been redesigned and HTML5 rebuilt.


– Rest API – defines a set of functions where developers can perform requests and receive responses.


– Pricing per customer group – now we can set base prices for each customer group.


– VAT number validation – this functionality should improve selling in European Union. After enter validate VAT number customer can be assigned to customer group and have 0% VAT on product price.


– Cookie mesage – it’s answer on new EU cookie law. Administrator can display on frontend to new customersa message about using cookies and requesting permission to use them.


– System backup –  three backup options: “System Backup”, “Database and Media”, and “Database”.


– Auto generation of coupon codes.


…..And others.

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