It’s been almost a year since Mangento published last 1.7.02 version of its system. Considering the fact that lately any improvements were applied almost every month, we claim that this is the highest time for Magento to introduce version number 1 as the publication of version 2 still is not followed by any date. The last version brought e-commerce platforms functionalities widening especially for business running its sell in the area of European Union ( tax validation, automatic sign to the groups and the possibility of selling with 0% tax level for the Clients who contains abroad registered objects)
1.8. version is focused around optimalisation. As it is known, one of the largest platform problems were continouous errors which appeared with wide cataloque of the products. This version aims to improve the problem by realising records overview and protecting database from long-term posts saving. Changes also contained the way of servicing by Magento large amounts of tax codes- now it is possible to create database consisting of an over 35 thousands individual codes which should not influence an effectiveness of the store functioning. It is a perfect solution for global business. Moreover, Magento improved an order process by eliminating unnecessary connections as this turns up the speed of the Client’s orders.
Magento 1.8 – Taxes
In new version taxes contains the main area of architects focus. It had been changed for several times in very clever way.
As an example if an administrator configurated taxes in the way which may provide tax highteen, the system generates an information
about the problem and proper warning with solution to the issue.
The “loopping problem mostly appeared in case of using tier prices as they changed in accordance with the amounts boutgh by the user.
The process of buying larger amounts of items should not contain any problem yet.
API changes
API has also been modified especially in the area of Magento integration with different applications which were created by independent
programists. In version 1.8. an option of changing an order status should work properly.
Administration pannel in new Magento
This time Magento created many important improvments in an administration pannel One of the key functionalities is the possibility
ofremoving an orders at the level of administration pannel. By this time any extensions available on the market which demanded
installation did not take care of complete orders delete from the charts what effected with wrong statistics.
An option of free delivery now should properly work with no modifications. It is also possible to make an orders review.
Payments in Magento
Paypal payments has also been modified. Earlier while realising payments by PayPal Express Clients did not have any written regulations
connected with the basket. Finally this problem has been solved.
Another problem connected with the PayPal payment finalisation has been improved.
Additional improvements
Magento team has implemented about 350 improvements in the area of the store, basket, payments or import and export functioning.
The most important of them are as follow:
– Date of signing Client’s accounts will be working properly since now.
– Wishlist products will not dissapear after edition.
– For the Clients up with the standsards- default Magento template will be compatibile with W3C standards.
What about the the modules bought so far?
As in case of the previous Magento versions, actual piece of extensions may demand actualisation. All modules
using observer should work properly, nevertheless, in case of the module uses overload method, developers may face with the necessity
of another changes implementation. As it is likely to happen, new Magento has created testing version in order to ensure about
compatibility with individual modules. With the time the stable 1.8 version will be introduced is it possible that most modules will
fit with new version.
What is Magento future?
Presentation of the new 2.0 Beta Magento version is dated for the end of the following year but in accordacen with many
delays it is likely for the set date to change for later. Many 1.8 version improvements will be used in version 2.0. Is it possible
that version 2.0 will be predated by the version 1.9.