10 benefits of implementing Progressive Web Apps

05.03.2019 Angelika Siczek
Progressive Web App is used not only by a commercial director but also the owner of a small online store. That’s why regardless of the business you are in and on what scale you sell, it’s a good idea to read the 10 benefits stemming from the implementation of PWA Magento Studio.

Lower the cost of client acquisition (CAC)

PWA websites do not need to be installed by the App Store or Google Play. That means that you don’t need to pay the broker for sharing your app. Even though the site looks like an app you don’t need to install it. For a client, it is a huge time and mobile storage saver. It is one of the most important factors here because saving the storage space on a mobile device is extremely significant for the user.

Increase the return on investment (ROI)

The Progressive Web App technology creates a website that takes the place of a mobile app. That means that developers create one product for all platforms. Instead of dividing work for all devices like Android, iOS and even RWD (Responsive Web Design). It creates one platform that serves all operating systems and browsers. That significantly lowers the cost of creation and maintenance.

Reclaim control over distribution and updates of websites along with PWA

The synchronization of app service on many platforms is a nightmare for the owner. The distribution process relies completely on Apple and Google. The creator doesn’t even know when and if his application will be published. Similar problems occur in case of updates. Besides that, there is one more problem that the users face. Some don’t want to and others forget to update the app and are using the old version. PWA solves both issues, the user using the website has immediate access to downloading the latest version you released. And in turn, you have complete control over your software.

Build loyalty within your customers

While using Progressive Web App You can apply the same functionalities the mobile apps have. For mobile users who use the page via the browser, it may be tempting to introduce such functionalities like a shortcut on the home screen of your phone or tablet, or push notifications. These tools will help you engage your client and bring his experience closer to you when you use the application. It will definitely encourage respect and loyalty towards your brand.

Collect relevant data

After starting the website using PWA, you will have the possibility to collect information about your users. There are some appropriate tools to do that, such as Google Lighthouse, which examines your website and develops a report. The received data can be analyzed and then you will learn in what direction to best optimize your website, and therefore, how to increase the conversion rate.

Improve Google rankings

Google decided to prioritize the indexing of sites that are mobile user-friendly. They will be placed higher in rankings than pages with content created only for SEO and do not worry about User Experience. The PWA standard strongly helps to achieve this goal because it will be supported in Google rankings. This means that it is not important whether the user uses the search engine in a mobile or stationary version – your website being mobile compatible thanks to the Progressive Web App will be classified much higher.

Decrease the bounce rate

Most websites take more than 10 seconds to load and the average time is 19 seconds. That’s how long it takes for the user of the mobile device to lose patience and leave the website. Longer loading period can further lower your KPI (key performance indicator). PWA pages usually load in 2-3 seconds. That difference is immensely significant compared to a traditional website that will certainly encourage a potential consumer to stay longer.

Optimize your mobile campaigns

Mobile campaigns are a very significant advertisement. Especially the ads posted on social media can produce high traffic on your website. However, if the site is not optimized for mobile advertising, the damages may turn out to be huge and all the effort useless. By creating your website in the Progressive Web App you can be sure that the traffic from mobile ads will be properly targeted and converted to your website in order to increase the efficiency of the advertising.

Help users to discover and share content

The content on the PWA page can be indexed by Google. This means that the user can not only find the site itself in Google search but also the particular content from that page. What’s more, this content can be saved and shared directly from the website. And this will translate into higher popularity and possible profits.

Increase the conversion rate between platforms

The Progressive Web App will allow you to create a steady User Experience between multiple platforms. This means that the user, regardless of the medium he’s using, will have the same, great user experience. If your customers prefer to browse products in your store on a mobile device but to conclude the transaction on a desktop computer, you can create an invisible transfer from the device to the device. It’s very useful for a client with such habits because then he/she gets the freedom to choose. And you hold one store accessible on many platforms. That’s how PWA works.
The benefits listed above will not only affect the conversion rate of your store meaning an increase in sales. They also have a positive influence on the client’s engagement and loyalty to the brand. High accessibility of your website on many platforms shows that you consider each individual customer. Thanks to PWA Magento Studio, you can take your store to a new level of interaction with the customer. At the same time, you’ll keep up to date with the requirements of indexing search engines and the hardware requirements of many platforms all at the same time.

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