Symfony – what is it and what advantages does it have?

05.11.2020 Angelika Siczek
symfony advantages

Symfony is a framework, which is a programming platform for web developers for building applications. Thanks to it, we can define the structure of the new program and the general mechanism of its functioning. It also provides a set of ready-made components and libraries that allow you to perform specific tasks. Symfony is one of the most popular frameworks, based on the PHP programming language and available through open-source access. What’s making Symfony really popular among developers is how it significantly reduces the time required to create software. What’s more, Symfony offers numerous advantages in terms of business. Among other things, due to the fact that the team can create a high-quality application in a short time and at an affordable cost. However, this is only one of the pros of Symfony. See what else this framework has to offer!

What is making Symfony so worthwile?

When it comes to picking the right framework for your development environment you should consider all possibilities. Let’s see if the Symfony’s features and workflow is what you need for your project. 

Speed ​​of action

In the modern world, speed of action is crucial in most aspects of human functioning. This is especially true for technology. It is similar in the work of programmers – optimizing the speed of the application is one of the key steps in creating efficient software. With Symfony, you don’t have to worry about it! This framework places great emphasis on efficiency and speed of work. Currently, it is one of the fastest PHP-based frameworks. So if you want an express effect, choose it!

Flexibility and ease of adaptation to the project

Regardless of the complexity of your needs, Symfony will certainly adapt to them. This will ensure, among others an Event Dispatcher utility that allows you to extend the functions of already written code.

Moreover, Symfony allows you to create software in three ways:

  1. Full Stack – it will allow you to create an extensive application rich in various functions.
  2. Brick by brick – allows you to create a program function by function depending on what you currently need.
  3. Micro-framework – you can create specific functionalities in selected projects, without the need to program everything from scratch and without installing the entire framework. From among the available ones, you will choose only those fragments that you really need.

All this makes the Symfony framework perfect for creating various types of applications with a wide range of applications and tailored to a specific activity.

Can be easily expanded

It is worth emphasizing that an extremely useful feature of Symfony is that each element is a plug-in and each of them adds a separate functionality to the entire framework. Thanks to this, it can be used in another project, and even be available to a wide community of developers.

Moreover, the system itself allows you to make extensive changes to Symfony, even modifying its core. The operation of the entire framework can therefore be expanded as needed, without having to reconfigure it from scratch.

Philosophy accompanying Symfony

While working on the framework, the creators were accompanied by a philosophy, whose spirit can be felt while using Symfony. It places great emphasis on the use of best practices and a very professional approach to creating web applications. The basis is therefore that the framework should meet all the needs of the programmer so that he can effectively perform the task entrusted to it and create the best possible software.

Community Support

A huge advantage of Symfony is that the project supports SensioLab together with its active community of developers who have a lot of experience. Due to this, the framework bodes well for the future and certainly will not stagnate. Regular tests and frequent updates will surely ensure that it will not lose its modernity for a long time.

Modern solutions in Symfony

The Symfony’s advantages we mentioned above, such as speed and flexibility, make it one of the best PHP frameworks. There is no problem with adapting it to the most proven practices and applicable standards in the programming industry. Moreover, more and more innovative solutions are being introduced to it. Thanks to this, it efficiently helps programmers when creating modern applications, and also increases their creativity in operation.

Modern solutions in Symfony

The features we mentioned above, such as Symfony’s speed and flexibility, make it one of the best PHP frameworks. There is no problem with adapting it to the most proven practices and applicable standards in the programming industry. Moreover, more and more innovative solutions are being introduced to it. Thanks to this, it efficiently helps programmers when creating modern applications, and also increases their creativity in operation.

Cache management in Symfony

What is also a great advantage of Symfony framework is its function of caching management. All because MySQL executes every single query read by Symfony. Importantly, all instructions are saved in MySQL and can be used successfully in the future. Noteworthy is also an option called caching fragment, which by keeping page fragments reduces the number of queries to the database, if necessary. This is a very useful solution, e.g. when creating a shopping cart, user login status or the possibility of entering comments on a blog.

A summary of the most important advantages of Symfony

It’s not easy to pick up the right framework for your web project. Therefore, we have prepared a short summary for you, showing all the Symfony advantages:

  • First of all, it is fast and does not need a significant amount of resources to function efficiently.
  • It guarantees you great flexibility – with it you can create both simple and more complex web applications.
  • You can add new functionalities without having to modify the entire project.
  • Together with Symfony you will create a professional and extensive website.
  • You can develop and maintain your Symfony project for a really long time.
  • Applications that you create with the Symfony framework will be compatible with most platforms, libraries for business solutions and with the methods used by a large group of developers.
  • The code written in Symfony will be used repeatedly for you to use and make any changes.
  • Open-source access is perfect for designing business solutions due to the possibility of project consulting.
  • Regular updates will help you effectively adapt solutions to the changing needs of your business.

If you’re not sure about if the Symfony advantages over other frameworks can help your e-Commerce, don’t hesitate. Contact us and we’ll ensure you’ll get exactly what it is you need. 

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