Who is Magento Developers

09.01.2013 Angelika Siczek

Magento Developers are programmers who have passed the special exam with knowledge of Magento. Developer certification program is designed to gradually improve the quality of implementations. Interestingly according to the group Inchoo (ichoo.net), all certified developers in the world live just in 35 countries.


The list of Magento developers from 2012 places as follows- USA with 77 developers, Germany with 38, India 22 and Ukraine 21. In United Kingdom at the same time was only 12 Certified Magento Developers.


There are two types of Magento Developers:


Magento Certified Developer – using all business processes in Magento (structure of catalog, architecture, indexes and others).

Magento Certified Developer Plus-  is skillful in the use of Magento Enterprise Edition (the paid version platform).


After our cooperation You will be given a Certified Magento Developers Guarantee what ensures that You will not face with any difficulties at the end of the project.

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