Ranking “Trusted Store 2020”

09.11.2020 Angelika Siczek
trusted store 2020

This is the 11th edition and another year in a row, when our clients were among the winners of the “Trusted Shop” ranking organized by Ceneo.pl. Since 2010, the Ceneo team selects winners based on user feedback, who complete the questionnaires after the transaction is completed. The entire process counts – from the impressions of shopping in the store, through customer service, to picking up the product.

Trusted Store 2020

source: ceneo.pl

This year the ranking consisted of 15 categories. Our clients’ stores – Zegownia.pl and Neonet.pl – have won in the following categories:

Neonet.pl – 1st place in the RTV and household appliances category,

Zegownia.pl – 1st place in the Fashion and Accessories category.

This is a very important feedback for us, because the solutions we implement have a direct impact on the User Experience of users. Thanks to such awards, we know that our knowledge and skills of our experts are appreciated by those whose opinion is very important to us.

More details: https://www.ceneo.pl/wydarzenia/ranking-zaufany-sklep-2020-wyniki

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