Mnisterstwo Gadzetow and Global4Net together in e-commerce

10.03.2016 Angelika Siczek
The Company Ministerstwo Gadżetów s.c. was created after a few years of preparations in 2006. The founders of the company got to know the world of amazing products and gadgets, working for a long time for Western European leaders in this industry. Global4Net is responsible for implementing the new online store.
Ministerstwo Gadżetów
E-commerce systems prepared for Ministerstwo Gadżetów has a range of pre-sales solutions. Among them, the Gift Finder deserves service, helping in the selection of products for specific occasions or for specific types of people. The proprietary inventory list generation system was also implemented, allowing to easily group products according to the assignment to a specific storage rack.
The new system has been integrated with the Subject software, facilitating control over inventory, invoicing and management of the product offer.

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