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“Multichannel” isn’t new concept. In USA Multichannel existed since many yearshaving two forms: distribution by shops (offline) and distribution of shipping. Many companies in USA uses this type of selling and some are specialized only in the area of shipping.
Along with the advent of Internet and e-commerce we prepaed completely new sales channels. In 2000 someone called it as the new economy, but few months later full of enthusiasm the bankrupcies appeared. Some companies have fallen, those who survived took strong positions in their respective segments. Now e-commerce channel grows every year. Very dynamic development channe which are telephone sales becamel really popular in USA.
Multichannel means that we know very well our customer status. When he places an order by the telephone but came to pick up at a collection point, the employee of that point has an information that he is needed to service that client with no additional questions. The purchase process should be compacted. These possibilities come with e-commerce. That’s the binder for other forms of sales. By databases, online access to information, stock status is possible to create universal platform concentrate to customer service.
Is Multichannel profitable? What about investment in training and maintenance of technology? Well, according to the con researches conducted by Shop.org, customers buying by multichannel make 12% more shopping then one channel clients, however, their loyalty can be even 73% higher. Multichannel can be much more effective than price competition.
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