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There is no efficient work without the right tools. This principle works in every field – from the construction industry to the office industry. So it is the same with the actions of developers. Their work will not be successful without the right tools, which in this case are programs enabling the creation of, for example, internet applications. There is a whole range of solutions of this type that the programmer chooses according to the style of his work. One technology worth paying attention to is a JavaScript library called Vue.js. What is it for and why is it gaining in importance in the programmer’s work? Find out from our post!
As we mentioned briefly, Vue.js is a JavaScript library. Thanks to it, you can easily create simple web applications, consisting of individual components, based on the Model-View View Model, MVVM for short. This library stands out from other development tools thanks to the presence of many add-ons and functions that make its operation very intuitive. So it is an attractive tool for software developers, which additionally is a great alternative to the much more complex React and Angular.
The creator of Vue.js is developer Evan You, who previously worked on Google projects and many other recognizable projects. Among other things, he co-created the above-mentioned Angular.js and Meteor JS. How does Vue.js itself work? Thanks to the library’s structure, you can create basic applications even without extensive JavaScript knowledge. This is a great help for novice specialists.
Although we have already written about one advantage that comes out for the first time, it is worth emphasizing once again – it is the simplicity of the tool. If you are a novice developer, taking your first steps in the programming world, this type of solution is a great starting point. Why? Because you don’t need any advanced knowledge from other frameworks to create your first user interface. Moreover, the very beginning of using the library is simple. After downloading it, in the HTML code it is enough to add the <script> element to fully use the potential of the tool.
What other amenities does Vue.js bring? It turns out that the framework can be managed from the level of JavaScript code. What’s more, all changes are immediately visible on the website, without referring to the DOM tree elements from the JS level – and this is another great convenience.
Another advantage is the speed and size of the tool. Vue.js only weighs around 18 to 23 kilobytes. This is very little for a framework. This is a big advantage because its lightness does not adversely affect the speed of operation. Also, it turns out that Vue.js runs faster than React and Angular!
Another distinct advantage is that the library community is heavily focused on development. Vue.js is not owned by any corporation. The community is responsible for it, which is constantly looking for opportunities to optimize work with the script. The Vue.js library is therefore especially recommended when working on Open Source projects, where it is necessary to be able to develop and introduce changes to the code tailored to the project.
The documentation, which is created in a very transparent way, also turns out to be a definite plus. It plays a special role in the e-commerce industry, where web developers do not always have significant experience in working with JavaScript-based frameworks. Fortunately, thanks to meticulous documentation, they will be able to create their first application without any problems.
Like every tool available on the market, Vue.js is not free from flaws. It has several features that may discourage you from using it. Although the first of them is not a disadvantage, it can take on such features – it is the flexibility of the framework. As a JavaScript library, Vue.js offers a lot of possibilities, which can make it difficult to implement in a large project with a large number of developers collaborating. There is then a greater probability of errors in the code or in the application itself.
Another downside, which does not apply to the framework itself, but to the programmer’s approach, is the fact that it is a fairly new tool and not every software developer will want to give up their current work tool for something unfamiliar. Even though it is a truly intuitive library, it requires extensive documentation and careful analysis of the individual functions. So, if the developer works for a long time on Agular or React, it may be unnecessary complications for him during the work.
Vue.js’s biggest competitors are of course React and Angular. Although this library is faster and less complicated than them, it is also worth looking at other parameters that distinguish these tools. So see how Vue.js compares to its closest competitors!
When deciding on a specific tool, programmers are often guided by its reputation and recommendations. And so, for example, Angular has 10 years of experience. It was established in 2010 and is the oldest of all three libraries. As a result, it had the most time to win over its followers. However, React was launched only a year later, although it was still available under an Open Source license from 2013. As you may have noticed, Vue.js is the newest solution to appear in 2014. The conclusion is that both Angular and React have had a good reputation in the development community for many years. These are stable solutions that are constantly developed with new possibilities. Their success is significantly supported by their creators. Angular is constantly supported by Google, and React by Facebook. Vue.js stands in opposition to the other two libraries. It is an original proposition of one programmer, not supported by a large corporation. For this reason, it is less popular among users compared to its two competitors. However, thanks to its flexibility and ease of use, it begins to gain in importance and become their full competition.
In this case, Vue.js gains a significant advantage! Thanks to its simplicity and low entry threshold into application programming, it is ahead of Angular, which is a very complex framework with a complex structure and functions. Therefore, extensive knowledge is required to use it. The same is true of React. This libraries are also more complicated, although the level of complexity is not on par with Angular. The conclusion is that if you use Vue.js, it will be much easier for you to switch to React than with Angular.
All three of these libraries are open source licenses. So they are available to a wide range of users without having to pay a fee for using them. However, in the case of React, from time to time there is a question whether the library will remain under this type of license, since it was available for a fee at the very beginning.
In the case of open access software, its development depends on the community around it. In her opinion, it is taking care of development, testing, introducing corrections and updating the tool. In the case of React and Angular, the community of professionals is really impressive. In turn, Vue.js is still at the stage of building its support group. Fortunately, the situation is improving year by year. The gathered community provides constant access to updates and introduces corrections, focusing on the rapid development of the library.
Each of the libraries discussed has its own operating philosophy, which directly translates into the type of project it can be used for. Not all of them can use both Angular and Vue.js. As you know, Angular is a complex framework that offers great possibilities. For this reason, it is perfect for complex projects with a huge number of necessary functions. Thanks to its dynamics, React will meet the needs of projects that require a dynamic user interface, as well as the development of existing web applications. Vue.js, on the other hand, is a great solution for situations where you want speed, efficiency and simplicity. So you can successfully use this library if you are chasing deadlines and need to get an effect in the near future.
We hope that our advice has cleared your doubts and that after reading the text, you become aware of the most important features of Vue.js. Remember that sometimes, despite the greater popularity of other tools, it is worthwhile to bet on new solutions. If you have no experience working with the framework, the matter is simple. Bet on Vue.js and discover new opportunities together with the community!
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