Angelika Siczek
According to the latest research Magento completely dominated e-commerce. The research done by aheadWorks based on the number of stores added to Alexa Tom 1mln showed that even though the number of e-commerce platforms is increasing so is the popularity and dominance od Magento.
In comparison to previous research the number of stores based on Community Edition (paid version of Magento). Increased by over 500 (5699 in August). Magento’s part was 26% of all platforms used. If we take into account all available editions of Magento including the free one, the interest would be 31%, which could mean that Magento is out of reach for the competition.
The closest competition Magento ZenCart even though is slowly decreasing its participation in the market, did not lose the second place. And the third pace is taken by VirtueMart, even though I think it is a solution quite hard it still has a little over 12% of the share. The net one is PrestaShop with 10%, and osCommerce is 5th.
Jak widać listę zdominowały otwarte platformy sprzedaży Open Source. Mimo, iż do dyspozycji mamy obecnie najwięcej w historii platform e-commerce większość firm decyduje się na budowę swoich sklepów w oparciu o platformę Magento. Jej otwarty model rozwoju, dostęp do źródła kodu oraz aktywna społeczność pozwoliły na stworzenie najbardziej elastycznego i niezawodnego oprogramowania e-commerce.
As you can see the list was dominated by Open Source platforms. Even though right now we have the highest number of e-commerce platforms in history, many companies decide to use Magento when building their store. Its open development model, access to the source code and an active community have allowed creating the most flexible and reliable e-commerce software.
Zen Card and Virtuemart, despite the decrease in the popularity of both platforms, are still maintaining their position in the e-commerce market. In the case of the latter, in my opinion, the easiness and popularity of implementing the Joomla platform with which the software is associated are more decisive than the actual advantages of the platform itself as a sales tool.
At the same time, PrestaShop shows a slight increase in popularity. Although the advantages may include lightness and ease of implementation of the platform, at the same time I heard some good opinions about it, it is difficult to speak to me about it. It is also worth mentioning the OpenCart platform, which almost doubled its results. Compared to other competitors that have lost their popularity in favor of the rapidly growing Magento, this may be an interesting alternative.
Of course, an objective comparison of the platforms is nearly impossible. The fact of a high rise of Magento and strengthening the no. 1 position within other e-commerce platforms is undestroyable. Right now, Magento would dominate world e-commerce.
In Poland, Magento did not get such high popularity yet and the research results could be different, but that does not change the fact that lately in also in our country we can observe an increase of interest with Magento within store owners or potential online store owners.
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