In the event that the default order statuses are not sufficient for our store in Magento, we can configure our own order status. To do this, go to the System -> Order statuses tab.
To create a new status, click the Create a new status button, then enter the code and name (status label). In order to be able to use our new status, it must be assigned to the appropriate status within which it can be used.
To do this, click the Assign status to the status button and select the appropriate entries in the fields of the select type (order status and order status).
After completing the above operation, we can already use our newly created status. For this purpose, we go to a given order and in the comment history field, we have the possibility to change the status and add the appropriate comment.
In the case when we mark the option to notify the customer by e-mail, a system mail will be sent with information that the order status has been changed and a comment added by the administrator. It should be remembered that additional statuses can only be used within the given order status to which they were assigned, i.e. if the status is assigned to the new state, then we can use the new status for newly filed calls.